The Nuances Of Artistic Self-Aggrandisement
By Chani Balmer.
Art was an invaluable tool of persuasion and self-presentation in the repertoire of a ruler, and was used as such to extraordinary effect again and again. Two rulers who wielded artistic representation in such a masterful way were Pope Urban VIII and King Louis XIV of France; both took full advantage of the Baroque style’s characteristic drama and monumentality, and its evocative, sensory nature to captivate an audience….

Pacific Sisters: Fashion Activists In The Diaspora
By Kate Harris.
Within Māori and Pacific dress cultures, clothes have pivotal political and social roles, and continually evolve within new contexts. The Pacific Sisters are a collective of New Zealand Pacific and Māori artists whose creative practice is both unabashedly traditional and boldly modern…

The Theatricality Of The Everyday: A Question Of Absorption In Contemporary Photography
By Annie Curtis
In the interest of portraying the utmost naturalism, immersion has long been employed by artists to suggest the unique quality of ‘being-in-the-world’ that defines our very existence. Indeed Heidegger explains his conception of ‘dasein,’ or human beings, as inseparable from the sphere in which they live, permanently ‘in pursuit’ of meaning rather than simply ‘being present’ as mere ‘entities’ or objects…

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